Garlic For Sowing

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been cultivated in Greece since ancient times, as described by Herodotus and Aristophanes. Garlic planting starts in the fall, usually in October, or in spring until February, depending on the type (fresh or dry). It is planted at a depth of about 5 cm and spaced 5-10 cm apart. Harvesting takes place mainly in June and July. The garlic bulbs are uprooted, allowed to dry, and are then preserved for long periods and sent to market. Garlic is used raw, cooked, pickled, and in countless recipes, as it is a staple in the cuisine of many countries.
  • Wild Garlic (Allium ursinum) is available in the MICROGREENS category on the website: CN Seeds. Note: Prices are based on the euro exchange rate. Its leaves, stalks, bulbs, and flowers are all edible.
  • Black Garlic is a fermented product, and its dark color results from the Maillard reaction